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Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau Sent Experts to

添加日期:2018-11-07   浏览量:623

In the afternoon of November 6, 2018, Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau sent a team of experts to evaluate the work of SSIP. Experts carefully reviewed all the material of the SSIP’s work for the last two years. And the expert team spoke highly of SSIP’s work and gave detailed guidance on our work.

First, Yao Huanqing, the Secretary-General of SSIP introduced the functioning of SSIP, the events that SSIP sponsored and the use of the fundings in recent years. Then, the expert team reviewed all the materials in three aspects, internal governance, work performance and financial situation, respectively. And experts also did interviews with the staffs. In the end, experts discuss the result of evaluation and announced the result to SSIP staffs.

Experts said that in general, SSIP functions legally, the internal institution of SSIP is good, the staffs fulfiled their obligations well, and SSIP functions quite well. SSIP’s project has its own features. It contributes a lot to the IP course of China. For example, SSIP sponsored the initiative to codify IP rules into the Civil Code, sponsored scholars to participate in the Special 301 Investigation Hearing and sponsored other events that are important for the progress of the rule of law and the national IP strategy. SSIP’s rate of expense of the donation on public events was high than the required, which means that SSIP actively use the donation on good deeds. The experts were impressed by SSIP’s professional performance and its social influence.

In the end, General-Secretary Yao Huanqing expressed his gratitude to the experts’ compliment and professional guidance. He promised that SSIP would strictly obeythe rules and regulations regarding foundations, to support the healthy development of the course of public welfare.


Copyright: The Beijing Sunshine Intellectual Property and Legal Development Foundation
Tel:010-68946228 Fax:010-68946377 Email:info@ssip.org.cn
Address: Room 60443, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No. 1 South Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing