时 间: 2017年8月29日星期二18:00-20:30
地 点: 北京嘉里酒店,四层,九龙厅(地址:北京市朝阳区光华路1号)
主 办: 英国驻华大使馆,英国知识产权局,北京务实知识产权发展中心
语 言: 中英文(同声传译)
日 程:
18:00-18:30 社交及冷餐会
18:30-18:35 英国驻华大使馆高级知识产权联络官杜涛致欢迎辞
18:35-20:30 主旨讨论和即兴问答
主讲人:亨利·卡尔 英国高等法院 大法官 |
主讲人:姜颖 北京知识产权法院 审判第一庭庭长 |
主讲人:程永顺 北京务实知识产权发展中心主任; 前北京市高级人民法院知识产权庭副庭长 |
主持人:杜涛 英国驻华大使馆 高级知识产权联络官 |
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Invitation to the 19th UK-China Intellectual Property Salon
Judicial Dialogue: Rule-of-Law & Innovation
Date & Time: 18:00-20:30, Tuesday August 29, 2017
Venue: Jiu long Hall, 4F,BeijingKerryHotel (No.1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
Organisers: British Embassy Beijing, UK Intellectual Property Office, Beijing Intellectual Property Institute
Language: English & Chinese with simultaneous interpretation
1800-1830: Networking and buffet dinner
1830-1835: Welcome by Tom Duke, IP Attaché, British Embassy Beijing
1835-2030: Panel discussion and Q&A
Panellist:Mr Justice Henry Carr Specialist IP judge in the High Court ofEngland&Wales
Panellist:Judge Jiang Ying Beijing Intellectual Property Court, No.1 Tribunal
Panellist:Cheng Yongshun Director Beijing Intellectual Property Institute Former Deputy Chief Judge, Beijing High People’s Court IP Tribunal |
Moderator:Tom Duke IP Attaché, British Embassy Beijing UK Intellectual Property Office |
Every year our most popular IP event is during the summer holiday period! This year we are delighted to announce that for our summer UK-China Intellectual property Salon we will be joined by three leading figures from the legal and judicial community in the UK and China. Judges are uniquely required to understand big picture topics such as rule-of-law and innovation, whilst also adjudicating fairly on detailed, real-world disputes. Our top panel will cover a wide range of current IP topics, including:
·The latest trends in patent cases in the UK and China, including IP and competition law, indirect infringement and IP trial procedures;
·Trade mark cases, including administrative appeals and how courts should handle bad-faith;
·Copyright disputes, including site-blocking orders, streaming, sports broadcasts; and much more!
IP Salons are informal evening events. There will be no formal presentations, and plenty of opportunity to ask questions and interact with the panellists. Come along and join the fun! This event will be jointly held by the British Embassy Beijing and the Beijing Intellectual Property Institute (BIPI). The event is free of charge. To register please complete the form below and send to the email address provided.
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Job Title |
Organization |
Email Address |
RSVP: Please contact Ms. Wu, Deputy Director of Beijing Intellectual Property Institute: jenniewu@bipi.org